At a recent Saturday club meeting a special plaque and presentation was given to Jamie King KJ4KJ while his lovely XYL Susan KI4NSS looked on. The award was presented to Jamie by PARS Club President Bill Michne WM3X.
Jamie was one of the founding fathers, so to speak, of our organization and has been an integral part and tireless force behind it’s creation and success. I hope we all can fill his shoes.
The Kings are heading up to Salisbury, NC for some easier living but don’t despair, they will be back on the air soon with their regular calls from their new QTH.
They will certainly be missed by all but will still be in touch us via the magic of radio.
Thank you for everything Jamie.
W4SLH Site Visit
PARS web man and a couple of others were treated to an impromptu visit to the W4SLH repeater site. That’s right our 2 meter repeater QTH, in search of that sultry voiced woman who greets us all the time.
Bill Olah KR4LO one the repeater Elmers and Mike Marsh, K4NLC, our newly appointed director of ARES, gave us a tour of the site and equipment. I’m here to tell you that the father of the entire site and tower, SK Joel Mele W4SLH, did not spare a dime when it came to building this facility. Absolutely the highest grade military and commercial grade hardware, equipment and construction practices have been used everywhere. We are very lucky for all this and the continued support of his wife Christine Mele W4SLH.
Our equipment is vigilantly maintained by Glen Everest N4LV,Bill, Mike and others. We are battery powered for continuous operation in those bad times and recently now “off grid” with the addition of a solar panel and controls. Nice to have that seamless capability. Pro steeple jacks take care of our antennas up there with direction from Bill and company. Everything else is up to us to keep up and improve. We have quite an asset there.
As you will note, there are many others that share the tower with us however it is all kept up quite professionally. The current owner of the tower has made many improvements including reinforcing the whole tower structure with an interior grid work as well. Really amazing work to keep us all standing up straight in those local wicked winds we have from time to time around here.
This was an extremely interesting look at something many of us may take for granted. There are many new improvements and additions that can be added to our site should the need arise. Plenty to discuss here.
PARS Web Man

Bill trying to coax the “repeater lady” out for a photo. She is shy. That is our 2 meter repeater rig and cavity filter gang.

Our hard lines to the tower. 2 meter above and Bill connecting a test radio to the 2 cm hard line below. Do you think the antenna feed is adequate?
Visit to Our Six Meter Friend’s Shack
A few of us recently visited with Don Smith KJ4RB at his QTH in Pink Hill, NC. Don has been a great pal to many and is best known to us from hearing him on the DownEast Six Meter Net on 50.200 MHz Thursdays at 2000hrs local.
From Jim AI4WL “Don encountered a number of medical issues several years ago and the net went dormant. Pete (AG7C) and I took over the slot, renamed the net to the Pamlico/DownEast 6 Meter Net and hoped for Don to return. He has and intends to bring the old net back to life soon. Until then, a slowly growing bunch of us show up on Thursday nights to chew the rag.”
A long time ham, he is full of knowledge, wisdom and humor. His shack and antennas are very impressive as well. We all had a great visit which included a quick visit to Mr. Tyndals Tractor Museum, a fabulous lunch at Fat Baby’s Home Cookin and take home barbecue from King’s in Kinston. All in all a fun day with the guys and I didn’t have to drive. A win win.
Interesting Member Tidbit
Check this out from Bruce K4ONC
The following might be interesting to post on the PARS website, since it is related to PARS member Glenn Everest, N4LV.
Mount Everest, the tallest mountain in the world, is named after Glenn’s Great or Great Great Uncle, Col. George Everest, a surveyor for the British Army. During the years 1806 to 1843, he surveyed India for the British, including the world’s tallest mountain. In 1830 he was named the Surveyor General. In 1865, in recognition of his accomplishment, the world’s tallest mountain was named for him, Mount Everest. He was subsequently Knighted by the Queen of England as Sir George Everest.
How many other PARS members have such a distinguished family history? In recognition of this, I gave Glenn a National Geographic book on the history of Mount Everest, which included a photograph of his “honored” Uncle Everest. I also photoshopped the cover of the book, adding his callsign, N4LV, onto the upper left corner! I thought it fit the name of the book perfectly.
73, Bruce – K4ONC