PARSgram 2021-09-27


We held the September PARS monthly meeting on Saturday via ZOOM, with

thanks to our ZOOMmeister Steve, KO4EDA.  The meeting was rather lightly

attended, which was unfortunate.  Our featured speaker was Dr. Jim

Boehner, N2ZZ, candidate for the position of Roanoke Division Director

of the ARRL.  Dr. Jim is no stranger to the ARRL, having held this

position once before.  He presented his views on the direction the

League is taking amateur radio, and their failure to secure favorable

outcomes on a number of topics of considerable importance to the amateur

radio community, such as the Amateur Radio Parity Act (dead), the loss

of frequencies, the establishment of application fees, and the loss of

the exemption for RF exposure evaluation for most amateur stations.  The

good news is that the upcoming Division Director elections have the

potential to change the composition of the Board such that the League

focuses on the best interests of the operators and the hobby, rather

than on the sale of products and advertising to generate revenue.  I

urge our membership to consider the candidates’ positions and to vote

after due consideration of those positions.  _…_  Speaking of

elections, PARS will have the annual election of officers at the October

meeting.  I am working on developing a slate of candidates for the

President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer.  If you would like

to serve in one of those positions, or would like to nominate someone to

serve, please let me know.  At this time I would like to inform you that

I will not be a candidate for reelection to the presidency.  If my

memory serves me correctly (which it increasingly does not) I have been

in this position for five years.  It’s time to pass the gavel and get

back to using the radio.  …_._  de WM3X, Bill Michne, 252-249-1175,



From Bruce Perkins, K4ONC, Pamlico AuxComm Coordinator–


The Pamlico Communications Team will meet at 0900 hrs. on Saturday,

October 2nd, at the Florence-Whortonsville Fire Department, 5208

Florence Rd., Merritt. All Amateur Radio operators, AuxComm and ARES

members and anyone interested in EMCOM (Emergency Communications) are

invited to attend. We will be discussing the latest work completed at

the W4SLH Oriental repeater site and future plans. Also, there will be a

“Show and Tell” of Emergency Go Kits. Anyone with a Go-Kit is encouraged

to bring it along with the antenna(s) you would use.


The monthly meetings of the Pamlico Communications Team (PCT) are NOT

social events but rather a teaching, learning, building and exercising

for emergency communications. However, the camaraderie is a benefit of a

strong team.


If you plan to attend, please advise me via email so I can obtain a head



And finally, Congratulations are in store for our own  Lor Kutchens,

W3QA, for recently becoming accredited by the State of North Carolina in

AuxComm. Lor is the FIRST Pamlico County amateur radio operator to

become an accredited AuxComm operator. Now let’s get some more!


Stay Safe and 73,


Bruce Perkins – K4ONC

Pamlico County AuxComm Coordinator




The MAYSVILLE HAMFEST is back after COVID. It will be on Sunday, October

10th at the Rotary Park Community Center, 704 8th Street. (If coming

from New Bern on Business US-17 turn right on 8th Street.) This year it

is being sponsored by Danny Garris, WD4CQ, and other friends of the

Maysville Hamfest. Last of the old fashioned tailgating swapfests,

admission is free… and this year there is something new, a Potluck

luncheon at noon. Those partaking are requested to bring a dish to

share. Walk-in license testing at 11 am. Talk in on GRIFTON 146.685

Repeater (PL 88.5). Hours are 8 am to 3 pm. Door prizes include a

FT-2980R Transceiver. For more information contact Danny Garris, WD4CQ,

at 252-638-4477 or



*  Twelve PARS members and guests attended the 9 am meeting chaired by

President Bill Michne, WM3X, via Zoom. Steve Silveira, KO4EDA, was our

technical host.

*  Guest speaker, Dr. Jim Boehner, N2ZZ, candidate for ARRL Roanoke

Division Director provided a short outline of his background, interests,

and his concerns with the direction of the league and the opportunity

for positive redirection with the coming election. He highlighted his

considerable experience as an ARRL elected official and, as outlined in

his recent postcard and QRZ page (, his positions on

what he considered to be the major issues. He urged ARRL members to

evaluate the candidates’ experience and positions on those issues and to

vote and return their ballot when they receive it from the ARRL.

*  At the conclusion of Dr. Boehner’s remarks, Bill turned to regular

business. He noted that he had begun a technician level course organized

by Mike Marsh, K4NLC.

*  Bill presented Wally’s treasurer’s report.  The club is solvent.

*  Propagation Report:  NOAA reports solar activity to be low although

we are up to 5 sunspot regions, an SFI of 88, and chances for C-class

flares daily. The geomagnetic field was reported to be quiet to active

with a minor storm expected Monday. The VHF bands are quiet.

Congratulations to those who worked dxpeditions to Conway Reef and

Comoros last week.

*  Jim reported on behalf of Webmaster Paul, K4MMB, that the PARS web

site continues to be active with 154 visitors making 307 visits in the

past 30 days; for the year 3654 visitors, 7039 visits. The statistics

confirm that US visitors tend to return, non-US visitors do not, e.g.,

US had 2541 visitors with 7039 visits, China had 520 visitors making 538

visits, Russia 52 and 55, France 36 for 52. Jim noted that members

should not pass up the “Editor’s Page”.

*  Mike Marsh, K4NLC, our ARES coordinator, reported 5 net training

sessions in September. Moving toward an emphasis on preparedness and

communications training, the net format has changed. There is also a

movement toward plain-language reports. The Coast Guard Radiotelephone

Handbook is a helpful guide. Comms connectivity tests on 10 meters and 2

meter simplex were performed this month.  Mike mentioned that

maintenance and repairs were made on the PARS repeater antennas and

feedlines last week.

*  Bill concluded the meeting by reminding all that October brings the

annual election of club officers. He will be acting as a one man

nominating committee and encouraged members actively support their club.

After 5 years as President, he does not wish to stand for re-election.

“Time to pass the baton.” Will continue teaching classes and actively

participate. Bill Cresswell, K2ONN, led the group in thanking Bill for

doing a wonderful job.

*  There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 09:50 am.



NOAA reported solar activity was low during the 24 hour period ending

yesterday at 5 p.m. local. There are four NOAA reported numbered sunspot

regions on the Sun facing Earth this morning, three more than last

Monday. The Prediction Center expects solar activity to be low through

Wednesday.  On Sunday the observed Solar Flux Index (SFI) at Penticton

was 86. (Last Sunday it was 75.) The index is predicted to measure 86

today, tomorrow and then 84 on Wednesday. The SFI 90 day trailing

average is 82.


The Earth’s geomagnetic field was quiet yesterday. NOAA expects

conditions to reach major storm levels today, then quiet to active

Tuesday and Wednesday. NOAA forecasters say that a CME is due to pass by

Earth today causing G2-class storms. The estimated Kp-index of 3

reported at 5 a.m. local this morning reflects our current quiet

geomagnetic conditions.


We can expect fair to good operating conditions today on 80 and 40

meters, fair on 30 and 20, and poor on the higher bands. The VHF bands

are expected to remain quiet.


For an explanation of the numbers used in our PARSgram, see the

excellent article written by Carl Luetzelschwab, K9LA at



For listing in the PARSgram send me your amateur radio related items

that are for sale, trade, or wanted. PLEASE let me know when you have

have sold your item or your listing is no longer needed.  Listings will

EXPIRE AFTER 90 DAYS unless I hear otherwise.–Jim.


* For Sale: Icom IC-746PRO HF plus 6 and 2 meters, SSB, AM, FM, CW 100

watt transceiver.  Tested for full power output on all bands. Includes

hand mic and original manual.  $500, plus shipping if necessary.  This

radio was donated to PARS, and proceeds will go to the club.  Contact

Bill Michne, WM3X, 252-249-1175 or 252-671-6703,




* Oct 30, PARS MONTHLY MEETING, Saturday, 9am, Brantley’s Village

Restaurant, Oriental. For more info, contact Bill Michne, WM3X,

252-249-1175 or

* Nov 27, PARS MONTHLY MEETING, Saturday, 9am, Brantley’s Village

Restaurant, Oriental. For more info, contact Bill Michne, WM3X,

252-249-1175 or



*  Wednesdays, Pamlico Communications Net (ARES), 7:30 pm, Oriental

Repeater, 147.210 + (PL151.4).

*  Thursdays, “DownEast/Pamlico Six Meter Net”, 8 pm local, 50.200 MHz,

USB. A non-directed open net to promote operation on the ‘Magic Band’.

(For more nets see )



Our Web Master is Paul Jodoin, K4MMB, 561-308-3456,



Videos of recorded PARS Meetings, presentations, and club activities can

be viewed on on the N4PRS Radio YouTube Channel:


73, Jim AI4WL


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