PARSgram 2020-07-27


On Saturday we held the monthly PARS meeting net on the Oriental

repeater.  If my records are correct, this was the fourth such meeting.

For each meeting the number of checkins has been on the light side,

running about half the number that usually showed up at the breakfast

meetings.  Of course, we have no way of knowing how many members tune in

and listen without checking in. It is likely that we will continue this

meeting format for some months to come, so if you are listening in you

may as well check in.  _…_  The main topic for discussion at

Saturday’s meeting was the Field Day results.  As most of you know there

was a rules change that allowed club members to operate from their home

stations and then pool their individual scores to form an aggregate club

score.   The result of this change meant more log entries.  For 2019

there were 3,113 log entries.  The latest available data for this year

shows 9,573 log entries received, with a few more days to go to the

deadline for submissions.  We’ll have to wait for the final stats to

come out, but the profile of operations has clearly changed, and I

expect that the future of the annual event will change as well.  _…_

So how did PARS do?  We had five operators submit logs for a point total

of 3,417.  That compares with our club score last year of 1,772 points.

Dick, K4JJW, took top honors in the club with 1,010 points, followed

closely by Jim, AI4WL, 958; N4PRS (WM3X, Bill op), 710; Bruce, K4ONC,

458; and Mike, K4HPS, 281.  Congratulations to All!  …_._  de WM3X,

Bill Michne, 252-249-1175,



*  Twelve PARS members checked-in to the 9 am meeting net on the

Oriental Repeater. It was controlled by President Bill Michne using the

club call, N4PRS.

*  There were no reports of awards, upgrades or special QSO’s.

*  Bill presented the treasurer’s report on behalf of Wally. There was

no financial activity in July.

*  Propagation Report:  Solar activity remains very low. A sunspot

region has just appeared. It is from new Cycle 25. We are experiencing

some geomagnetic activity due solar wind mixed with remnants from a

minor coronal mass ejection. Six meters has been quiet for the past week.

*  Mike, K4NLC, reported the Pamlico Emergency Net generated 12

man-hours from 4 sessions in July with one to go. He noted check-ins

have fallen off as have WinLink check-ins, not a good thing as we are a

month into Hurricane season. Mike advises members to check their

equipment and check-in to the net. No EMCOMM sessions are planned until

PCC is again available.

*  Regarding Field Day, Bill reported that the scores from 5 member home

stations resulted in 3,417 a aggregate score for the club, considerably

more than the scores achieved at Field Day site the past two years.

[More details in the President’s Soapbox.] The last day to submit logs

is Tuesday, July 28th.

*  John Keating, KB1KW, advised that Janice Hopkins, KJ4JPE, is in the

hospital in Morehead City due to a medical condition. She is expected to

be transferred to Crystal Plus for rehabilitation. Cards or notes would

be welcomed. Janice’s home address is listed on “QRZ” and the PARS

members roster.

*  Jim, AI4WL, advised that a new broadband survey is underway by the NC

Department of Information Technology to gather information on locations

without adequate internet access or speed with a goal to “achieve

affordable broadband access for all”. [FCC defines broadband as 25 Mbps

down and 3 Mbps up. The NIT database shows over 84 percent of the

County’s population having access to that level of service yet the same

database shows only 3 percent have access to fiber. This rosy picture of

broadband access is obviously incorrect. Selection of counties to

receive significant funding is coming soon. A realistic picture of our

residents’ needs is vital.] To access the onine survey visit

*  There being no further business the meeting was adjourned/net closed

at 0924.



NOAA reported that solar activity was very low during the 24 hours

ending yesterday at 5 pm local. There is one sunspot region on the Sun

facing Earth this morning. It belongs to Cycle 25. We soon may have two

as a second sunspot region is about to come into view. According to the

Space Weather Prediction Center activity will continue to be very low

through Wednesday.  On Sunday the reported Solar Flux Index (SFI) at

Penticton was 71. The index is predicted to register 70 today, Tuesday

and Wednesday. The SFI 90 day trailing average is 69.


The Earth’s geomagnetic field was quiet to active yesterday. It is

expected to be quiet today and quiet to unsettled on Tuesday and

Wednesday. The estimated Kp-index of 1 reported at 5 a.m. local this

morning indicates we are currently experiencing quiet conditions.


We can expect fair daytime and good nighttime operating conditions on 80

and 40 meters and fair conditions night and day on 30 and 20. Expect

poor conditions on the higher HF bands. Six meters was quiet for most of

the week but operators found life there on Sunday, primarily single hop

E layer skip across the eastern half of the US. Most activity continues

to be either CW or FT8. Stations in the Northeast are working multi-hop

into Europe this Monday morning.


For an explanation of numbers used in our PARSgram, see the excellent

article written by Carl Luetzelschwab, K9LA at



For listing in the PARSgram send me your amateur radio related items

that you have for sale, trade, or wanted. PLEASE let me know when you

have have sold your item or your listing is no longer needed.  Listings

will EXPIRE AFTER 90 DAYS unless I hear otherwise.–Jim.



HyGain 18 AVQ 10 thru 80 ground mounted vertical. Base section ruined by

Florence, replaced with new section from HyGain, antenna not

reinstalled. Antenna in 3 sections for transport – base, middle and top

with counterpoises, longest about 8 feet. $100 and you transport. Call

Art KB1TX at 252-571-1752. (20200511)



*  Aug 29, PARS MONTHLY MEETING, Saturday, 9am, Virtual Meeting via

Radio.  For more info, contact Bill Michne, WM3X, 252-249-1175 or



*  Tuesdays,  Newport Weather Service SKYWARN Practice Net, 9:00 pm

local, Oriental (147.210+ (PL151.4)) and all other local repeaters. This

net for severe weather warning and reporting is continously monitored

upon activation.

*  Wednesdays, Pamlico Emergency Net Practice and Rag Chew/ARES, 7:30

pm, Oriental Repeater, 147.210 + (PL151.4).

*  Thursdays, “DownEast/Pamlico Six Meter Net”, 8 pm local, 50.200 MHz,

USB. A non-directed open net to promote operation on the ‘Magic Band’.

(For more nets see )



Our web Master is Paul Jodoin, K4MMB, 561-308-3456,



We are always looking for items of interest to PARS members to put in

the PARSgram.  If you run across a timely item or think of something you

believe would interest our folks, please send it to me.  Thanks.



And how many folks who are immune to COVID-19 does it take to protect

the rest of us in the herd? Go to the URL below to find out-


73, stay safe, Jim AI4WL


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