PARSgram 2016-09-19

Our next meeting will be at 0900 this Saturday, Sep 24, at Brantley’s Village Restaurant on Broad Street in Oriental. Please park on the side or out back. Our meetings are held the last Saturday of each month except June when the club participates in the annual ARRL Field Day or when in conflict with a major holiday. We hope to see you all there. For more information contact Pamlico Amateur Radio Society President Bill Olah, KR4LO, 249-0287 or

NOAA reported solar activity was very low during the 24 hours ending yesterday at 5 pm local. The most recent significant activity was a B5 flare at 0742Z this morning. There is but one sunspot region on the disk facing Earth this morning. It is small and offers no threat for significant activity. The sunspot number (SSN) is 47, down from the 63 we saw last Monday. The Solar Flux Index (SFI) is 83, down a few from the 86  recorded at Penticton Sunday noon a week ago. According to the Space Weather Prediction Center, solar activity is expected to be very low for the next three days with a slight chance for C-class flares today through Wednesday. The NOAA forecast has the SFI at 85 for the next three days.  The 90 day trailing average is also 85.

The Earth’s geomagnetic field was quiet to unsettled Sunday.  The field is forecast to reach minor storm levels today and Tuesday due to high speed solar winds and then be quiet to active Wednesday.   The Kp-index was reported to be an quiet 3 at 8 a.m. local this morning.

Expect only fair conditions on 30 and 20 Meters,  poor on the higher bands. Poor day and fair nighttime conditions are expected on 80 and 40. The VHF bands have been quiet. Expect only short distance tropo contacts if you are participating in the 2 Meter Sprint this afternoon.


(Extracted from The ARRL Letter for Sep 15. 2016)

Propagation guru Carl Luetzelschwab, K9LA, says that, while conditions on 12 and 10 meters will pick up as they always do in the fall, F2 propagation on those bands will decline thereafter, with only sporadic E during the summer months as a possible saving grace. On the other hand, the lower bands — 160, 80, and 40 meters — should be good going forward, and 20 and 17 meters will be the mainstays of daylight HF propagation. Luetzelschwab offered these observations during an August 23 World Wide Radio Operators Foundation (WWROF)-sponsored webinar “Solar Topics — Where We’re Headed.” He said data suggest that Solar Cycle 24, the current solar cycle, will bottom out in 2020, and he advised that radio amateurs may need to lower their expectations on the higher bands (and 6 meters) looking beyond that.

Carl went on to say that we can expect small cycles in the future; the Sun’s polar fields are decreasing in strength. Smaller cycles follow longer solar minimums. This will be a long minimum. Look for his article on sunspot numbers in the October issue of QST.

COMOROS, D6. A group of operators will be QRV as D66D from September 18 to 30. Activity will be on 160 to 10 meters using CW, SSB and RTTY. QSL via OK6DJ.

This is the place to post contacts with DXpeditions, Special Event Stations, or special QSO’s you would like to share.

As activity on the high bands disappears, activity on the lows begins.  Sam/Dave KD2T last Monday reported he worked his first VK on 160 that morning…  He “can’t wait for the 160 season to start”.

This info is extracted from the ARRL Letter, from the WA7BNM Contest Calendar, the ARRL Contest Update or the ARRL Contest Corral.  You can receive the Letter weekly via email as a member of ARRL

*  19/1900-19/2300Z Sep    144  MHz        144 MHz Fall Sprint CW Ph
(For more info on the VHF Sprint see
*  24/0000-25/2359Z Sep     3.5-28             CQ Worldwide DX Contest, RTTY
*  24/1200-25/1200Z Sep     1.8-28             Maine QSO Party CW Ph
*  24/1400-25/2000Z Sep                              All Texas QSO Party CW, Ph, Dig
*  25/2000-25/2200Z Sep     7-21                 Peanut Power QRP Sprint CW Ph RS(T)
( See for info)

See the ARRL Contest Branch page <>, the ARRL Contest Update and the WA7BNM Contest Calendar  <> for more info. Looking for a Special Event station? Be sure to check out the ARRL Special Event Station Web page<>. For a LIST OF STATE QSO PARTIES, see (State QSO  parties are a great way to get those last states for your Worked All States (WAS) Award.)

SGC antenna tuner. This is the SG 235 with Smart Lock. This tuner is attached at the foot of the antenna. It is rated for 500 Watts. It can be used on Marine, Auto and land applications. Totally weather sealed. New from HRO this unit and Smart Lock are just under $1200 from HRO. Get the best for $400.

Also for sale is a MGJ 994B. This is the automatic tuner. New from HRO it is $235. Sale price is $100.

Both are up and running at my ham shack and can be seen in operation–Charlie Overcash, WA4GSI, 252-249-1257 (20160912)

A unique Pamlico County property adapted for amateur radio use by former PARS member Tom Davis, N1ZY, (SK) is now available for $230,000. On 9.54 acres, the 3BR, 2BA, 1800-1999 sq. ft home with garage was built in 2006 and recently upgraded throughout. The third bedroom is currently configured as an open study but can be reconfigured by the seller with an acceptable offer.  On the property is a 20’x20′ “flex” building originally designed and built for use as a stand alone “ham shack”.  It is complete with heat pump and 220/240V. service. There are two concrete pads which originally supported Rohn towers.  For more information go to,7,1  or dial 1-866-200-6443 Ext. 213 for recorded information. (20160822)

*  FOR SALE–Yaesu FT- DX3000
A perfect “10”. Only used lightly by a little old lady on Sunday. I am upgrading and would love to see you have this rig. I hate to part with it but I just purchased a FTDX5000. This is just not the basic rig that others are selling—here is what you get, Like new radio, optional 300 hz cw filter, optional DVS 6 Voice unit, FH-2 touch pad, Hand mic, SP-2000 external speaker w/filters, Nifty Mini-Manual, box and radio manual. I have well over $2200.00 invested. I’ll let it go for $1995.00, you pay shipping for 2 boxes. Local pickup possible in NC. CONUS only. NO TRADES. PayPal, cash, check (units shipped when check clears). Pictures on request.  DON’T MISS THIS ONE!
Sam, KD2T, or call 252-617-0359 (20160822)

*  FOR SALE–Hy-Gain AV-680 Patriot-Plus HF Vertical Antenna, covers
6,10,12,15,17,20,30,40 and 80 meters. Requires no ground radials, comes
with it’s own counterpoise. About 2 years old, this was my temporary
antenna during my move, I now am putting up more dedicated antennas.
I built a simple mounting system that allows me to raise and lower by
myself if ever needed. It will remain operational here if you are
interested in seeing it’s performance.
I am open to offers, trades, etc.
Gary Mitchelson, NC3Z/4, 252-745-0655 or (20160620)

The following equipment is being sold because I no longer have the time to
use it or the space to store it.  Unless otherwise noted, all units are
fully functional at or above their manufacturer specifications.
Cosmetically they are 9+ out of 10, showing only signs of routine use.
Asking prices are based on the average of recent completed transactions for
the same or similar units on eBay, or are approximately one half of the
original price, and are believed to represent the current market value.
Pictures are available on request.  Shipping if necessary is not included.
Local pickup is preferred.  All sales are final.  Contact Bill Michne at
252-249-1175 or  (20160509/20160822)

Yaesu FT-897 HF/VHF/UHF all mode transceiver.  Maximum power outputs are:
160-6 meter, 100 W; 2 meters, 50 W; 70 cm, 25 W.  Includes the FC-30
automatic antenna tuner, YF-122C narrow filter for CW/digital modes, and
MMB-80 mounting bracket.  Does not include the internal batteries for
portable operation as I never purchased them.  $700.00.

Ten Tec Titan 425 legal limit linear amplifier.  This unit consists of a
lightweight desktop RF deck containing the two 3CX800A7 ceramic tubes and a
separate remote power supply with hypersil transformer.  The RF deck can be
switched between HV ranges, the higher one for full legal limit output, and
the lower one for high duty cycle modes such as RTTY.  The unit features an
overdrive limit circuit to protect the tubes, and a rapid switching circuit
for preventing “hot switching” during QSK and VOX operation.  $1200.00.

Kenwood TS-830S ham band transceiver.  Includes the matching SP-230 speaker,
the VFO-230 digital VFO, and the MC-50 microphone.  The unit has a full
complement of Fox Tango filters for both CW/RTTY and SSB operation
installed.  These filters have very steep skirts to provide exquisite
selectivity.  This is a hybrid radio, mostly solid state, but with tubes in
the driver and final amplifier stages.  The sale includes two sets of
replacement tubes.  I recently had the radio professionally restored to full
original specifications.  $800.00.

Kenwood TS-940S solid state 160-10 meters transceiver and general coverage
receiver.  This radio does not transmit, and has limited receive function.
If the transmit function can be reestablished it is probably worth
repairing.  Otherwise it is good for parts.  $75.00.

(Send me your amateur radio related items for sale, trade, or wanted for
listing in the PARSgram. PLEASE let me know if your listing is no longer
needed.  ITEMS  listed will EXPIRE AFTER 90 DAYS unless I hear

A complete list can be found on your PARS Website,

*  Sep 24,  PARS Monthly Meeting, Saturday, 9 am, Brantley’s Village Restaurant, Oriental, Bill Olah, KR4LO, 249-0287 or
*  Oct 29,  PARS Monthly Meeting, Saturday, 9 am, Brantley’s Village Restaurant, Oriental, Bill Olah, KR4LO, 249-0287 or

*  Mondays, Pete’s “Swamp Talk” roundtable, around  8:15 pm local, 28.463 MHz plus or minus, USB. This is an informal forum originally established to assist our new Hams. The frequency is in the 10M voice segment open to technician licensees and above.  Radio related topics/questions/issues welcomed.
*  Wednesdays, Pamlico Emergency Net Practice and Rag Chew, 7:30 pm, Oriental Repeater, 147.210 + (PL151.4).

* Chief Editor and Administrator is Greg Wadsworth KM4DZM, 252-322-1033 or gwadsworth1@
* Web Master is Larry Wall,  KK4SEO,

We are always looking for items of interest to PARS members to put in the PARSgram.  If you run across a timely item or think of something you believe would interest our folks, please send it to me.  Thanks.


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