Tell your friends and neighbors about us. Send a link to this website in all your emails or personal web pages. Remember, Ham Radio IS Cool! Show your contacts what they are missing.
Mysteries Unraveled in our midst by Bill Michne
Our recent breakfast meeting on Field Day was enhanced greatly by our very own Bill Michne, WM3X. Bill is a most qualified and exceptionally informative speaker to begin with. A seasoned Ham, educator and tenacious researcher, he out did himself today. This time he brought us an exceptional and compelling presentation concerning the disappearance of aviatrix Amelia Earhart. Now let me say again that Bill immerses himself in his research as a rule and never disappoints. This time though he went above and beyond (no pun intended) and produced a working example of one of the Airheart radio transmitters from the missing airplane. The PowerPoint presentation and visuals weren’t enough though. He brought the rig with him as well. How perfectly wonderful. Interest was very strong, and we cannot begin to relate all the fantastic data he brought forth here. Hopefully we may hear a re-presentation sometime and possibly get a great video for everyone. Here are some quick photos for everyone for now. Thank you, Bill, for all your efforts and service to our PARS organization. Bravo Doctor.
WHAT is THIS Old News?
No way. We are revisiting a club antenna build event from some years back to tell you all that it’s going to happen again soon. That’s right. Get ready to re-learn your antenna assembly skills as a group. What’s it all for? There will be a FOX HUNT in your future. Through the efforts of a few of our gang, including Bill-KR4LO, the PARS club will host a VHF Fox Hunt in the near future. Preceding this will be a Tape measure Yagi instruction and fine tuning of any antennas for the hunt. Watch the PARSgram for news of dates for all the events. Join us for some great fun and getting to together. Here are some photos of the last event.
While most of us were weekending in the usual fashion two of our members gave that time up to be part of a greater communications scheme. Read the following notes from N4ONC Bruce Perkins about those efforts.
Attached are some pics I took of the recent MCAS Cherry Point Air Show held on the weekend of Sept 24th thru the 26th. Lor Kutchins, W3QA, and myself volunteered with the State Medical Assistance Team 100 (SMAT 100) of the Eastern Healthcare Preparedness Coalition (EHPC) to assist with the Communications Unit (COMU). We were located inside of Fire Station #3 on base, a little ways from the flight line and all the activity. However, we still had great views of all the flying. The EHPC/SMAT team set up a MASH style hospital inside the bays of the FD, to attend to most injuries/sickness that occurred at the air show. Set up occurred on Friday and takedown was late Sunday afternoon. All in all it was a very interesting and learning experience for both Lor and I. Looking forward to the next activation.
Below are some pics of the personnel involved. The entire SMAT 100 group and the Communications Team.
We are still having fun
Following our January last Saturday meeting held on Zoom, we hosted a very special guest. Robert “Bob” Heil, K9EID, of Heil Sound, presented a wonderfully informative and interesting speech. Included was a plethora of technical data and guidance as well he outlined his most fascinating career. What an excellent presenter. Also included was a brief demonstration from this lifelong master Baldwin organist. Excellent! We hope that he will visit with us again in the future as we were all on our best behavior. Though just in case the skids have been greased a little with a care package to Illinois with some PARSgear trinkets and swag. It looks like it might have been well received. If you would like to see the entire presentation follow this link to our new YouTube Channel
As special thanks to our own Bruce Perkins, K4ONC for not only arraigning Bob’s visit with us but also sending along our PARSbribe and appreciation for future technical talks from Dr. Heil.
OLD QSO’s of Merit
Here is a recent email we’ve received from one of our esteemed members. Pretty cool stuff. Pun not intended!
——– Forwarded Message ——–
Subject: FW: Old QSO
Date: Thu, 4 Jun 2020 05:49:26 -0400
From: Sam/Dave Bacon <>
To: Jim Hartmeyer <>
This may be good material for the newsletter.
*From: *Bill Erhardt <>
*Sent: *Wednesday, June 3, 2020 5:25 PM
*To: *Sam/Dave Bacon <>
*Subject: *RE: Old QSO
Hi Sam,
Bill K7MT in Helena, Mt.
I dug through a lot of logs to find book # 13 FEB 93 to DEC 93. I put
them order when I got them a couple months back. What history back to
1982 logs from KC4AAA. I was at McMurdo for two seasons and found my
logs from the Ham Station and that was a good memory.
Picture is worth a 1000 words so they say !!!! Report and tie are a
little off but I will call it good !!! Just look at the mess you got me
into !!!! Just kidding of course.
I will be happy to return a card Sam.
Bill K7MT
Sent from Mail <> for
Windows 10
*From: *Sam/Dave Bacon <>
*Sent: *Wednesday, June 3, 2020 1:22 PM
*To: * <>
*Subject: *Old QSO
Hi Bill,
Sam here, KD2T. I wonder if in the old logs you have my QSO with KC4AAA?
I would like to have a card. I wanted to check with you first before
I send the card.
Thanks for checking.
KC4AAA 11-Dec-1993 05:03 UTC 20 meters 59 report
Attention Fellow Radio Heads.
An easy and perfect opportunity to show some PARSticipation without all the hassle will be in Special Events stations. Stay in touch and look for the next opportunity to join us.
We had a huge tent, cool breeze and great view of the races. Made a few contacts, glad handed bunches of new and old friends and even ran an impromptu GOTA station as well. May have inspired a couple of budding hams during that process. Huge thanks to all our PARSticipants but special thanks to Bruce K4ONC who supplied all the gear to make the sparks fly. Heck we ran the whole day off of one measly lil battery.

Club VP Bruce Perkins K4ONC signals the universal “I’ve hooked it all up right and it makes noise” sign to this photographer.

Bruce and our Club Scribe AI4WL Jim Hartmeyer enjoy the breeze. Our entire station was fueled by one small Lithium Iron battery even though we were prepared to use the small genset. Never needed the generator. Remarkable.

We had it all on off grid. High Frequency Icom-7300 rig through a Buddy Pole portable dipole antenna. All of it powered by that one black box. A 12VDC sealed Lithium Iron Phosphate battery.

We were able to try different configurations with the Buddy Pole. Here it is in a true vertical arraingment. You may also note the presence of a constant flow of fossil finders that wandered into our area during the day. Later on they had moved into the tent and were scouring the ground beneath us. They asked radio questions but mostly fossil queries were the norm.

AI4WL Jim and K4ONC Bruce, radio amateurs and fossil docents, digging out some contacts on 20Meters. Not the best of conditions but we still had an enjoyable day out of it.
PARS Club welcomes special guest a recent breakfast meeting.
Bill Moraine W1COP,from the ARRL, was our special speaker recently and here are some photos PARS web man took of the event.
A great overview of the topics are found in the AI4WL web gram from June 3.