My Two Volts Worth
Couple of quick notes here. Well not actually a couple. I have discovered that there are many more and I will add to this like a blog if that’s alright with you all.
Firstly, please feel free to send any photos you have of members, activities, shacks or any local ham interests. SWLers, POTA (pets on the air) and Philatelists [stamp collectors], we do that too, don’t be bashful. Attach a link to our website to any of your ham or related emails or webpages you may share with others. Show them what you do out here on the banks of the sound. It helps us all to spread the word. Send all to
21 January 2025
Happy New Year to all our friends on and off the air. Another notch in the ol tower. Who’d think it possible 2025. Phew! No dust on our antennas though. The PARS gang starts the new year full tilt. Education seminars, new repeater capabilities, public service talks, Hamfests and simply helping fellow hams learn and enjoy life. Old tech spiffed up. New tech added, tested and implemented. All for the common good. PARS guys continue to renew, expand and share our our hobby with pleasure. It’s not just personal gratification either. It astounds me how our PARS people just give, give and share freely. Knowledge, equipment, muscle and time. Rescue and assistance missions to storm devastated areas. We’ve even had brother amateurs whose health and living circumstances have dramatically changed. However our buddy hams have swept right in to assist in all aspects of their lives selflessly. Just remarkable to us here that such a basically technical nerd pastime builds these of long lasting and caring friendships. We bring people together in more than a radiating way. Lots more on the horizon for us. New licensees coming into the fold. All sorts of improvements to our local “grids” being added or planned. Volumes of new and old knowledge to be passed on through public seminars and meetings. Heck, there is even a rumor of some new Pico Balloons in the offing too. Oh yes good fellowship and food consumption as well. If you are new to us or shy just come and join us. Consistent as always. Last Monthly Saturday. Brantley’s, meeting, breakfast, fun. Don’t be bashful. From us here on the river at we wish you all a safe, healthy and prosperous New Year. Thank you for peeking in at our website.
Pick the lint out of your microphone grill and mind how you go.
Webbly Webster Internet Neophyte
2 December 2024
Well, it has been awhile since we’ve dusted this desk but not for a lack of things going on. Between horrible weather events and other natural disasters Hams have been the topic of conversation worldwide. This has grown a resurgence interest in our kind of radio. For us here the matters out west in NC have proven the worth of amateur radio many exponentially. A terrible situation that has yet to fully expose its enormity but Ham radio was there from the onset. Though not over by any means here are a couple of takeaways from this reporters desk. You just never know when or how quickly, you as an operator, will be needed enter into more than hobby radio assistance. Even if you are not in the effected area you may be in the perfect place to pass along vital information as a relay. All of us should be capable of very basic tasks involving taking a verbal message and passing it along, as stated, without embellishments. Passing messages along that are pertinent, verifiable, distinctive and concisely passed along is paramount. People will be really hanging on your every word. Practice in your head and be prepared. Also it won’t make any difference to anyone if your gear isn’t up to the task. Inspect your rigs and installations once in a while too. Good enough for hobby fun radio should be “good enough for service under duress”. These basic skills are constantly practiced by many of our peers. Easy to practice with them on local radio nets and the like. Even if you are an occasional operator spend a little extra time and join into some of our club gang’s instructional seminars and events. Fun but you won’t be disappointed with what you learn. If you want to expand your capabilities and talents then there’s WINLINK communication plus many other facets of our radio hobby that are easily and freely available to you for just such situations. These scenarios are being played out every day, proving the point about the legitimacy of Amateur Radio. Satellite good, old fashion RF much better. As far as the rest of our world our fellows are busy as usual with continuing education for fun and or public service. Taking care of each other and anyone else that asks freely. It’s a totally enjoyable hobby that returns in so many other ways than just plain fun. We are happy to be in our small way to be a part of it.
Clean your connections and mind how you go
over n out
73’s DE <30>
18 June 2024
Summer is on the way no question. The lawn must be regularly mowed in order to access the mighty tower of power antenna here at web ground zero. Preparations are also underway for our local “Work from Home” Field Day. We may be found on the back lawn with the PARS Willys Jeep mobile HF and big stick. Though it ain’t POTA, it’s still fun and close to the house for ice tea. A river breeze adds to a most pleasant experience. Dusting off,sanding/painting club banners, website mascot and radio tractors for local parades all happening too. There is still plenty to do even during all the solar emissions botching up our propagation. Our PARS gang maintain forward motion as well. Sponsoring public SKYWARN forums, Air Show emergency communications, assisting club hams with rigs n stations and selflessly visiting and assisting our fellow hams when infirmed or incapacitated. We applaud all of them. That’s what makes this hobby truly special. Everyone has been busy including our neighbor ham Captain Electron. He was so pleased with himself for launching a HF longwire antenna into the pines. Eight attempts to “reach the stars” so to speak. Eighth time was the charm after two hours of fighting wind, spurious branches, ticked off tree squirrels, continuous round trips to the shop for repairs of snagged/broken lines and lost weights. Perfect shot only then to realize he landed through the wrong tree. Photo evidence have been destroyed. Rescheduled for a later date when no witnesses are around.
We wish excellent results with your Field Day wherever you are. As well salute you all for paying it forward, however you do, with perpetuating Amateur Radio the original Hobby of Nerds and Fun People.
Radiate excellently and mind how you go.
73’s DE <30>
22 April, 2024
Ah Spring is here. Balloons in the sky, remote transceiving from exotic beach resorts, new equipment acquired, Radio Foxes to be hunted, tis all happening around our PARS gang and friends. We admit that this is one extremely active group of radio heads. Thanks to the AI4WL PARSgram we all can keep up to date. Make it a regular visit during your perusals of our website. Here at the editorial headquarters we continue to hone the razors edge of electronics technology by by cleaning up the shack and tweaking gear. A discovery of fact we made is if you want to find every lousy connection and poorly hung antenna you own then just add a linear amplifier! The system you think is perfectly sound will prove to be barely better than strings and cans when you dump 1000 plus watts down it. Guess who’s been hunting down every #!@*&%$ connection and finding faults? Like all things ham (good or not so much fun) it is a never ending challenge. Honestly in reflection though, it’s what makes our hobby fun in the long run. Like golf they tell me one is always trying to get better. Its a challenge but it is fun. Now while attempting to chase down SWR gremlins the neighbor ham “Sparky Boy” dropped by to observe. “Hey, remember my hot melt glue equipment mounting attempts?” says he. “I do indeed. What was your solution?” He hands me a card with a logo and printed ICZT Technician. “Ya I took an online course for the International Cable Zip Tie Technician certification. Now all my equipment is zip tied to the rack. Worked like a charm.” “Just ordered Instructors Cert course too. Gotta go now but call me if you need any help there”.
Certainly hope he didn’t pay too much. Us ins now returning to fighting for SWR parity.
Radiate Peacefully
and Mind how you go
73’s DE
5 February 2024
While we are not entirely through the chilly season yet here at your Webquarters,, the space heater is still on. Concurrent with the typing toil of our fingers working to the bone, our PARS members continue PARSticipation and grow. The local Pamlico Repeater Group hold additional educational seminars at the local Fire Station 19 and check the PARSgrams for schedule. New technology, basic operation, old school shmartz and other excellent practical demonstrations have been shared with all involved. Everyone enjoys them. So we mentioned mentioned these meetings to our ham neighbor “Sparky Boy”recently. “Oh I don’t think I would benefit from these seminars”said he. “I’m a degree-ed engineer you know”. He then proceeds to tell us he recently tidied up his shack installs and rack mounted some equipment. Drilling and bolting would be too much of a fuss. However after discovering the miracle of hot melt glue guns from Christmas displays, he decided to mount his equipment with this “space age” stuff. All was quite the success until the heat of the equipment and space heater began to loosen everything during a long day of QSOs. As the glue began to soften one by one the units started dropping like flies while on the air. “It resembled a space alien with black boxes splayed out all over hanging by wires and coax. Like a 1960’s glass fiber lamp and electronic pinata being smashed all at once”. We mentioned he might gain some insight by attending Pamlico Communication Group’s Saturday meets. Reluctantly he confessed we were correct. “But what did you do then?” asked us. “Well in being the crafty ham engineering ace I am there was only one solution”. “Just simply fired up the ol glue gun and re-squished all the boxes back in place. “How did that help?” we queried. “Just used more glue” he responded”. “Oh ya and I shut of the heater to the shack”. We await further updates. Don’t be surprised though if you see a new fellow at the next PCG meeting with glue burnt fingers taking plenty of notes.
May Puxatony Phil be correct in his prognostications, be ladies and gentlemen on the air and off, be analog and digital Ambassadors throughout the world, radio to your hearts content and mind how you go.
73’s DE
4 January 2024
Well there it is we made it. Scribing for the new year 2024. How amazing it is to actually write that date huh.
Firstly, may we wish all involved for the compliments and support for this web site. As always, it is most enjoyable and a pleasure to pilot this thing. Now in a new year there will be changes to everything of course especially in radio. Many aspects remain unchanged too. New things galore in amateur radio to explore. Our PARS club members continue to explore the new technologies and selflessly educating us others about them. PARS is a fine group of fellows and gals whom don’t receive enough credit. Reports of small group of radio ROMEO’s, “Retired Old Men Eating Out”, continue to spread the word off the air have crossed this desk also. It is a pleasure to be amongst all of you. Basic old school radio is still there to enjoy as well. Solar storms be damned. Here along the mighty Neuse River, our voice reaches out around the world on a single stick and 100 watts. Frankly we are still just stunned at the results. Old acquaintances checked in with and new friends logged almost daily. Conversations with folks across the ponds whom we may never meet but know them and their families just as well as your neighbor next door. Knowledge of how it all works was well learned for sure but it still seems like magic after all these years. How cool is that? Just plain challenging with fun wrapped around it. Keeps body and mind active. Remember it’s not just about who you can see. We may not have a ready made “new ham” pool nearby however the folks we make contact with may. We have the ability to demonstrate and promote worldwide this fascinating hobby by proxy. Possible new hams may be listening to an Elmer, a receiver or computer. They may sense the magic for themselves via our contact. We make it fun, not a task, for all involved. Please enjoy a healthy, prosperous and “radio active” new year from us at
Curse solar storms freely, radiate often and Mind how you go.
DE,73,[30}, 10-4 Roger, Over and Out
4 October, 2023
Ah gentle ham reader we arrive at yet another autumn. Your web lackey has been absentia from this page due to the joys of living near the water in our region. Fighting the ever changing position of the back lawn/hungry river inter-phase. This involves constantly replenishing tons of new soil, turf, seed, wood borders and of course expenditures of numerous green rectangles (from the new ham gear fund), labor, toil as well as utterances of language not appropriate for these public places. Now concurrent to this aquaculture/agriculture operation (all depends on the river level), there comes opportunity to inspect, repair and re-tweak antenna parts. This is not something normally executed unless noting other issues during untwisting jammed elements standing on a ladder in 30 knot pre-tropical storm winds (YL’s love this part). We highly recommend this type of activity be performed during calmer, more appropriate weather patterns. The point being, that in our case anyway, there are a lot of places things can come out of tune in the sticks and wires over 12 months. This is an excellent time of year to get everything back into spec when the climate is more conducive to outdoor endeavors. With the current positive propagation, the QSO’s have much improved with the re-alignment of elements and connections. The lawn however remains the same. At least this hobby delivers, somewhat lasting results from continued attention, re-seeding of knowledge, perseverance and maintenance…….Oh oh…… It’s the same isn’t it? Well at least its far more fun after all your troubles. May the Great Pumpkin bring you noise free propagation and lots of contacts.
Be excellent to one another and Mind how you go.
DE, 73, [30]
24 July 2023
Here we are again in the Dog Days of summer. Plenty of activity getting here with festivals, parades promotions, foxhunts etc. Now that it is a bit warmer, more time is spent at the home QTH with easy chair and air conditioning. However while we, (website lackeys), twiddle our thumbs many of our PARSpersonel are out there giving back and sharing time and toil through the heat. Emergency service communication, education, public demonstrations and nursing local repeaters back to life are among the tasks. The local N4ONC Oriental repeater has been resurrected and improved making us whole again. Even though we’ve had others to use for the interim, one fell lost without our “Ol Reliable” right there at the fingertips. Selfless members made this all happen so the rest of us can have that steadfast signal up there. Another member brought to us his deep and thorough research about the missing aviatrix, Amelia Earhart including hand built replica radio gear. Truly fascinating story with tremendous dedication to the hobby as well. Elmer-ing, license preps, new digital access points, repeaters, heck even Uncle Sam performing GOTA. There’s even talk about a possible new balloon build and launch. All in a days work for many Hams. It still brings us great pride to be amongst you all. Its a wonderful hobby to enjoy with such diversity and challenge and still great fun. We certainly hope you will talk it all up and show others what there are missing.
Watch your wattage and mind how you go.
18 April 2023
It has always impressed us as to how helpful our PARS members are to each other. Some recent examples are no surprise then. Sincere gratitude comes from us here at “.org” this time to a few fellow radio heads. Firstly, kudos go to Trip KI4KEB for volunteering to perform brain surgery on our laptop computer. The literal brains of our operation had turned lethargic, and Trip selflessly supplied and installed new gray cells and speedier cortex. A most successful operation indeed and speedy recovery has been enjoyed. Thank you, “Digital Doctor” Trip! Also, when it came to one neighborhood ham attempting to bring his mobile unit to the recent Oriental Boat Show, the Men of PARS came out to support the effort. Charlie WA4GSI riding shotgun, Jim AI4WL reporter at large, Cody, Bruce K4ONC Captain Repeater, Tom K4NSP Inspector General and others visited the “Lil Shaky” in the shade of the oak tree and had a fine time. Synopsis. Great people sharing in the hobby. Makes it especially easy to tout our club here.
Radiate often and mind how you go.
27 February 2023
From the “mouth of the Neuse”. People constantly ask us “what is there to do in this hobby”. My reply is always “there is something for everyone”. New tech is rampant. Many of our fellows are moving ahead with “DMR” its tiny radios and all its wonderful possibilities. Some are pushing their way around the world communicating with about a much power as your bathroom night light. There are those that are constantly working to improve our communications with multiple cell towers and sites for our repeaters. Public service? Wow so many opportunities here. Computers, coding and algorithms your thing? Lots of that as well. Hey, we even have people sending up balloons with hand built solar powered micro payloads that go around the world! Satellites. Yes, plenty to mess with. Space stations. Regular communications with them too. What about the old Ham stuff? Still there and getting better. Fox and hound boys n girls still at it. Contesting people? Yup busier than ever. (Who knew there where 100 counties in NC!) What about that Morse code thing? CW is busy as could be and growing. Then how about those old Ham bones? Oh yes, they are still at it too. We here happen to be of this latter group and gabbing with folks from around the world is still the most enjoyable for us. Costs? From “the sky’s the limit” if you wish to cobbling up antennas from stuff from the garage like our recent used PVC pipe, 60-year-old lobster trap heading twine and leftover marine wiring for a 6-meter antenna. The range is wide and varied. You choose. Not even scratching the surface here. Something for everyone and it grows daily. Totally fascinating and fun. If you have any interest or have been away for a while, then come on along and get with the original social media.
Go Forth and Radiate, and mind how you go.
(30) and 73’s
27 December 2022
Here we are with two events completed for the Holiday Tri-Fecta. Radio has been great and of course the Fox Hunt was excellent! For the meantime though, computer noodling, SDR tweaking and the continuous updates and restarts that are involved with all those functions. Oh yes and the cell phones too. What a pain!! Waiting and waiting. What is that all about. I now know.
“THIS IS HOW THEY TELL ME THE WORLD ENDS by Nicole Perlroth” (Bloomsbury 2021), is the most fascinating reading we can remember. If you are the least bit involved digitally, and you already are, this is a must-read book. Totally intriguing, fascinating, thoroughly researched and a simply stunning expose. No Ham will be able to put it down. It goes without saying this is highly recommended book and required reading. Current and easily accessed online oh and even an audio book. Like we need something else to be concerned about these days, but this should be in your knowledge base. Let us know your thoughts. Other than that, please enjoy safe warm holidays dry shack wiring and please include our December 31 meeting/party in your voluminous holiday calendar.
Radio Cheerfully, think good thoughts, be excellent to everyone and Mind How You Go.
73’s to all and to all a prosperous Propagation Season
19 November 2022
Ah gentle readers. Yup winter is on the doorstep of the shack. Space heater on and sweater bedecked operator on board. Actually, the enjoying the rig emitted warmth from a new power supply.
The cold doesn’t hold our gang down though. Massive amounts of personal funds, sweat, and a dogged administrative effort has been expended by the Pamlico Communications Group. The task? To secure an additional repeater, tower and equipment that we all can share. They have succeeded in bringing another NC4ES repeater online in Arapaho. Thanks fellows, great work! Oh yes, there is a new C4FM repeater online now too from our WM3x. We’ve just been sitting here twiddling our web page keys while everyone else is working hard to maintain and continue to make Amateur Radio viable, useful and still fun. Just additional examples of how much there is for everyone to do in this great hobby. So cool already with so many new things and equipment coming along. Come on, get on board.
Radio as often as you can and
Mind how you go
-30- and 73
17 October 2022
Another month, season change and holidays on the horizon. Break out the antenna warmers. We attended a local Auto Show where one member was working HF and 2Meters from his displayed vehicle. Promoting PARS and the hobby to all great fun. Good contacts both on and off the air. There was quite a bit of kibitzing concerning radio and wrench twisting going on also. Hams like old cars too.
While we were shining up classic cars many PARS members have been strengthening the local repeater and planning to create a network on their own for fun and public service. Others are building their own. Some have been blazing the airwaves with pint size power working the world on newly made QSB kits. The new buzz phrase? Miles per watt. Others are remote controlling their shacks. A group assisting traffic control for a big local fesival. There are new licensees and members coming on board almost weekly.
So, when it might seem all is dull and fading, sticking my head out the shack window reveal my fellow radio heads on the move, still. Bravo.
Radio copiously and mind how you go.
11 Sept 2022
The memories of this day 21 years ago. Senseless and hugely tragic. I’m certain that we all can remember where we were that day. Remembering all those people that merely went to work or play or safeguard the populous with no conception of what was to transpire. Folks just like you and me. It touched us all. If you never knew any of those fellow human beings or did in fact it does not change a thing. This should never happen ever again. I hope we’ve learned from this. Enjoying our time on this planet and passing along our wisdom to the future generations is probably a good lesson. Kind of what we should do in Amateur Radio. Life is too short. Have fun, share and pass it along to the next group.
Radio a lot and mind how you go.
August 20 2022
This month has brought hot weather but also a renewed interest in the local N4ONC repeater. Equipment changes are settling in with stellar reports. The best part is the growing use of the “machine”, it’s very nice to hear everyone and meet new hams as well. What a great way to re-enter the hobby than with a simple affordable FM rig and get to meet everyone in our area. Also meetings are getting to be better attended with lots of surprises, give aways, table top equipment sales and excellent presentations by our members too. There is even a future FOX HUNT and antenna building class soon to be announced, “Watch the PARSgram carefully for that news. The PARSticipation factor has increased, and we are all impressed and quite pleased with the outcome. Keep it up!!
Radio more often and mind how you go.
4 July 2022
Finally made Fourth of July. With it comes lots more locale repeater use by visitors and club comrades. Two weeks of Neighbor Ham fiddling with antennas and radios for the Croker Fest parade has been quite a sight too. Was observed later working HF on the river with an impromptu Special Event station entertaining old hams and hopefully some new ones. Early on he was approached by a young-un. Little fellow asked if Nieghbor Ham could “Make a Call”. Nieghbor ham, excited for a newbie in the making, jumped right on the mobile rig and made contact with a group on a battleship in Alabama! How cool! What a score! Young person showed only a curious look. He says again, “CAN you Make a Call for me?” Ham says well I just did what did you think? Kiddo says “can you call my father on his phone and tell him I am here?” …….
…..Papa called, boy picked up, off to the Bounce House they went. Proving unequivocally that you can lead a kid to water but can’t necessarily teach him new radio tricks. Wiping the tears, Neighbor Ham prepared himself and /P rig for the next try.
Cannot thank you all enough for an excellent turnout at Oriental and on this website. Helps show the world what we do here as a club. The best of Fourth of July’s to you. And remember, Radio in great excess and mind how you go.
22 May 2022
Hello Hertz Fans. Where has the time gone? Spinal problems have held us back a bit here with many projects but that has left plenty of time to mess with radios. Wow. Having the best time finally working the bands from our permanent QTH and a practical shack arraignment. Great QSO’s. Even pulled a couple of all-nighters. Like being a teen again. This has not kept the old PARS bicycle parked though. It gets comments often and recently caught the eye of a new resident and ham. Moving in from the great west, medical problems have stymied his shack unpacking, but is soon to join our ranks. During our conversation his YL quieried as to a local contractor to possibly rehab an existing sewing room in their new house. A sewing room? Us two fellows just looked at each other and the grins slowly developed.
Radio a lot and Mind how you go!
7 March 2022
Well propagation fans spring is springing a bit. The world DX contest was target rich for any contester or just fans of collecting countries. All equipment and operator running perfectly for once from our QTH. Checking up on club members recovering happily from surgeries and touching base with new pals all over the world. Rumors of some simple changes for your radios and our local repeater coming soon. Keep your eyes peeled in the near future for more on this. I have to say that Ham radio is still great fun for us at webpage headquarters. Oh!! What’s this? A new page to be found on the PARS menu? Yes, P C T is news from some of our members who further their knowledge and experience in radio. Great stuff. Check it out. We trust all are well out there and reiterate…….Radio as much as possible and mind how you go.
7 February 2022
Greetings from website command. Beginning to get a little cold out there so radio has filled the “hunker down” void very nicely. Beware of errant squirrels we say. A fair amount of damage was caused by the lil critters chewing on our HF feed line. Answering the question as to why no one had been returning the CQ’s for weeks. Thought it was the nut that held the mike at first. Turns out we have been radiating into the back lawn. All fixed now with great reports and QSO’s to report during the cozy hours in the heated shack. It is still such a thrill to talk with someone on the other end of the microphone even after all these years. Built a 6 meter horizontal dipole in the meantime and can now participate in the Thursday night net out of Pink Hill. You might want to join in. It’s like being a proper ham again. So there are many things to do in the cold of the winter. A linear amp kit may be the next project or maybe just a digital clock. Possibilities are endless. We hope you are all staying safe and healthy out there and strongly recommend Radioing a lot and mind how you go.
Sideband Squirrel
10 January 2022
Hello sports fans and all the ships at sea. It’s been awhile since we’ve reported in. Mea Culpa. Hands full and all that. Puppies, Jeeps, trucks, tractors, antennas, cables, website spambot defense and oh yes, a cornucopia of Honey Do’s.
Wow. 2022. Who would have thought huh? While you’ve been gone though, our fellows have continued to radio on with vast improvements to our favorite repeater. A new name, spiffed up antennas and new bands to yak on too. We are indeed hopeful for many years of continued service for everyone because of the N4ONC group. A personal thank you but what happened to the nice ladies’ voice? The PARS Stealthman will be investigating. Additionally, more radio heads from our lot have been extra active in beefing up the local areas’ emergency communications and network. Well done folks!!
So as the maelstrom continues in the outside world we endeavor to keep data flowing here on the site and of course, we still find time to excite the airwaves from our place on the river. It’s all good. 73’s
Radio a lot and mind how you go!
4 October 2021
Seems like a dogs year since I’ve put anything down here. Well in a way it has been. Mrs Webman and I traveled to Ohio for a new radio terrier. On the highway trip we spotted dozens of Ham license plates and antennas too. Was sorry that we couldn’t work the repeaters along the way but duty called for a feeble old brain to focus on the busy interstates. Mission accomplished. Healthy pup retrieved. Got him perusing the ARRL manual now. Tail wiggles faster than an unweighted Bug.
The final days of the hot hot summer were spent assembling the Bucket of Bolts which will become Poster Child of mobile HF radio around town. The semi ancient Jeep is running and ready for GOTA. Now we have to rig it up for proper radio work. May have to wait for Santa to supply the goods as puppy toy costs are exceeding some radio parts these days. He’s got the life. In scrounging for Willys parts though my supplier showed me an old military vehicle for ideas. I’ve been down this road before. In it’s spares was an amateur license plate from a previous owner. I felt relieved knowing that other Radio Heads were a silly as I to be fiddling with ancient motor vehicles too.
Lots to do this month. Meetings, special communications group gatherings, HamFests, pre winter antennas maintenance and special events to be taken in. See it all in the weekly PARSgrams from our scribe superior AI4WL.
Radio in excess and mind how you go.
16 August 2021
Greetings from the PARS Think Tank. Firstly let me mention a letter from Bruce Arnold, KS8l on this weeks PARSgram. It is about Bike MS and how all hams are invited to help. This is great fun and a wonderful way to get out for a day or two and show your radio skills, meet hams and regular folks from all over. We don’t often get special opportunities like this so close to home so take advantage and join in!
Life at headquarters status quo. However we did spend a super afternoon helping out with a Elmering Event at a fellow hams house. Another Elmer came to visit and we tweaked a 6 meter antenna installation. Fabulous improvements were made with huge gains in performance. Good comradery and we learned a bit too. Total win. Lunch with war stories wasn’t bad either. This hobby and our club is loaded with fantastic talent and knowledge. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. There is no such thing as a silly question. Take it from the original silly question man.
Mind how you go and Radio as much as you can.
10 July 2021
Oh My! July 4 has come and gone. What a wonderful change from the last couple of years. Our reporter and staff photographer attended the recent Oriental Flounder Fest Parade and noted a surprisingly grand attendance. All to view the spectacular parade led by the USMC Band followed by numerous local floats and revelers. The activity on our local N4SLH repeater was quite heavy during the event with HT bystanders, home QTH and mobile operators abound. Along with our regular members some visiting hams made use of the venue to make contacts with all those in the parade. There were mobile beer coolers, staff photographers, dragon baring float drivers, super cool fire trucks, and a classic farm tractor all on 2 meters checking in. The tractor driver, sporting a banner touting this very website, was heard to say he thoroughly enjoyed the event and was most pleased to spread the enjoyment of Amateur Radio. There were numerous shout backs and thumbs up from the crowd. We believe everyone had a terrific time and that the repeater had a welcome rest after it all. Next year? We will see what comes.
Radio in great amounts and mind how you go.
27 June 2021
Admittedly this was another modified Field Day for our gang. But we are a very flexible lot. There was still from what I gather a fair number of participants including some newly licensed brethren. Operating from home QTH’s and the like, reports are that everyone had a great time and we will rack up many points.. From our own little cavern, though we didn’t get on the air this year, nonetheless we worked diligently preparing the Parade Worthy PARS tractor for the upcoming local Flounder Fest. We are trying like crazy to get ready to Show The Flag as it were for our club. It wont be much but its just another means of letting folks know that we are around to be joined and enjoyed. There is always the possibility of peaking interest in someone new our hobby too. That’s the beauty of this hobby. Its not all just pure radio. There is something for everyone. Wish us luck.
Mind how you go and Radio a lot!
21 April 2021
The cat is out of the bag. We will begin our last Saturday meetings again at Brantley’s Restaurant this month.
It will be a welcome experience to SEE everyone again. I recently have had visits with a couple of our members and quickly realized that it had been an entire year since we’ve laid eyes on each other. My good golly gosh thank goodness for our radio habit. It’s been the glue that has kept many of us together during these stressful times. Do you know what? My conclusion is that all of our members and radio buddies are in fact a continuation of our family. Weddings, trips, doctors, garden planting, new chickees, puppies, bees hives, boat cruises and all the rest, one is able to share with friends and new folks too. So it rather connects the dots with this radio gang. I am so very happy to have this as a major part of my life. So in the meantime while the grass seed gets watered, the transfer case gets rebuilt and the new Martin house gets erected we wish you all a Happy Spring and see you soon.
Mind how you go and Radio A Lot!
1 March 2021
We had another very successful, informative and entertaining Zoom club meeting for February. Lots of members and new faces as well. Great to see everyone on board. This website again brings us new members so I have to mention how important it is to tell everyone about it and place a link in your emails to others or websites you may be involved with. It really works. Spread the word. See how our members are faring while we have been away from our eyeball meetings. Look at What’s Happening as an example. Have a gander at the new CW CODE NODE page too. In our quest for greater access and sharing more content, we now have a new YouTube website at Check it out for the Bob Heil presentation from January and please send us anything video that is ham or club related to be added. More to come but for the meantime mind how you go and Radio A Lot!
15 Feb 2021
All is well here at Website Headquarters. The Stay at Home has only given more time for radio stuff including the reconditioning of a Farm Mobile Unit as well as the beginning of the Ultimate Mobile Field Day and Fox Hunt Classic Jeep rebuild. Looking forward to GOTA with these machines.
Just had to mention the addition of a new page on our website. The CW CODE NODE was a suggestion by our member WM3x. Being a dyed in the wool CW operator he hopefully will grab the interest of some new and old Hands for this still wonderfully fun and oldest of “digital” (if you think about it), communication methods. I know we have quite a few of our members who are very involved with CW and this should be a great way to spread the words a bit. Check it out along the way and don’t be afraid to send in any content you may have.
Mind how you go and Radio Lots!
11 Jan 2021
My gosh another year. Who’d think we would get this far? Though one must have believed we’d be out of the woods by now, the plague continues and our club activities have been minimized. However. Still here and finding success in keeping everyone in touch with Zoom meetings and of course the trusty radios. Adding guest speakers beginning month to meetings should prove informative and good fun. Only limited by our imaginations, Amateur Radio continues to be the primary focus which proves itself again to be loaded with possibilities for expanding one’s horizons. Creativity in testing environments, scheduling and requirements continue to flex in order to keep the doors open for new and existing hams license needs. It is never too late to get on the air and join us on the original internet. And to our current members, please keep in touch. Let us know what you are up to with notes, stories and photos. This website is for us to share our experiences with the world. So even if you will be adding a mobile rig to your recently repaired farm tractor, newly acquired bicycle or landed a new antenna, send us pictures. We are here to help you share you radiohead endeavors with the rest of the planet and maybe beyond.
Radio a lot and mind how you go.
7 Dec 2020
Another December is here but this one under our collective quarantine. Strange times indeed. As difficult as it has been there are still some new positive experiences to come from it. Our club meetings via zoom for one. Would have bet they might have been disappointments but color me wrong. Not only have they been fun and informative but also given us the opportunity to see friends that have moved away. Much new participation too. Good stuff.
Propagation and radio usage have been up from the sounds of things. Many of our gang have been pursuing more awards, antenna builds, emergency radio installations for disaster preparedness, new equipment start ups, tweaking and servicing our wonderful N4SLH repeater, and experimenting with new IC processors for all sorts of uses. Oh yes even building micro satellites sent through the atmosphere on balloons! Think I’m kidding? Think again. If you have been curious at all about our clubsters then join us now. There’s so much here to be involved with I don’t have the room to show you all.
Christmas is just around the corner and why wouldn’t that vehicle or tractor be resplendent with an excellent PARS license plate or sticker. Or how bout some PARS attire? See the PARS gear page for what’s available and how you too may own some of these highly sought after items.
As always send us your articles, photos, musings etc for our webpage, radio a lot and mind how your go.
26 October 2020
Of course so many other projects (The constantly moving back lawn for one) have put ham radio on hold for the past few weeks including antenna analyzing and the like. The little I have gotten on the air I must admit that the “conditions” have seemed to improve somewhat which is excellent. Hopefully it can only get better.
One note of interest in the meantime. I had placed a quick closing comment on all my personal emails with a link to this website. Its at the bottom of every mail sent. I can confirm have how effective that has been. A personal note or business related correspondence makes no difference. You can see that the people on the other end have curiously looked at our website. Our tracker plug-in shows that folks from those areas whom I have communicated with, have looked at our site shortly after our business. In closing just a reminder that if you yourselves were to add the same info to your emails our readership and recognition among hams and non hams alike could increase greatly.
Think about it and show people what we do. I will endeavor to spell everything correctly.
Mind how you go and Radio a lot!
28 September 2020
Did I miss September? Seems like we were just here a minute ago. The club has just finished with it’s first Zoom meeting this past Saturday. Although slightly skeptical about the whole affair originally it is now to be said how impressed we were with the process. Uncomplicated to initiate, smooth operation, the meeting went swimmingly. A fair turnout and painless, though still missing the breakfast buffet, the meeting extended to over 90 minutes before we knew it. We even had members who have been living far away from our repeater that were able to finally able to join us. I personally recommend this venue to everyone of our club members. If I can figure it out anyone can. You will find instructions in AI4WL’s PARSgrams, and follow the web page for future scheduled meetings.
In other tintabulations. The lawn still owns me. However great experiences with the SDR receiver. A big thumbs up. If you would like add a little boost to your radio world then I suggest this very affordable device. Great way to enter the digital world on the cheap. More later.
Mind how you go and Radio as much as possible.
31 August 2020
Well the summer certainly seemed to zoom along. More time at home meant more time for home projects. Ugh. My lawn owns me. Though there have been occasional moments to mess with the radios. The newest addition to this ham’s shack has been a SDR receiver along with an updated home computer. We are here to tell you that this is an entirely new experience and the box has just been opened so to speak. Now admittedly I am behind the times by quite a bit as this technology has been available to all for many years and most of you have it already. Finally biting the bullet has produced this wonderful new journey into amateur radio. Panadapters, waterfalls, audio filters galore, dozens of new acronyms are the norm producing an exciting new challenge with fabulous results. The receiver itself is no bigger than a pack of Canadian smokes, but the software, enormous. My good golly gracious what a fabulous, powerful presentation. I am just astounded at what it does when you simply turn the thing on let alone what it is capable of. It will take months to learn it but for the meantime we have been spending lots more time in the shack and discovering so many new aspects of our hobby and that is all rather exciting. Updates to come.
By the way. This website is for PARS members and yes times have been tough on our get togethers. However if you have anything to contribute concerning your or other’s radio based activities, past, present or future please send it along. Send photos, notes, essays, whatever. Antennas, radio based hobbies, heck even the family pet in the shack, just pass it along. We’ll get it up there. Everyone loves to see photos right? Especially of the family radio pet.
Mind how you go and Radio a lot.
10 August 2020
It would appear that this new way of life is to be considered the norm until further notice. Projects normally saved for the winter doldrums are being brought out for daily use. Finding some kits stored away for years and new ones online is fun. As well I find myself with radio monitoring far more than usual. Not always having the gift of gab still has me listening. I’m not complaining mind you. Many of us spent thousands of hours on simple SWL for years and I am back to that as well. When conditions are foul there are still some interesting contacts to be heard on the bands. Slowly crawling into the digital world too there is a new SDR Magic Box arriving soon. We shall see how that all works out. It started as a quest to have a waterfall screen for an older transceiver, then to kits for adaptors and now for this new world of SDR. Can’t wait and there will be follow up reports as to the results. In the meantime though the message is to just keep messing round with radio. Let everyone know how much enjoyment there can be from it all and how many avenues of pursuit there are. Mind how you go and Radio a lot.
6 July 2020
Well here we are again. Another July 4 over and done with. However the big event was Field Day 2020. Our gang PARSticipated from their home QTH’s like so may across the land. Normally we all gather together at a big site where antennas, radios, gen sets, batteries and the like are set up for a couple of days in advance to make as many on air contacts as possible for the annual event. This year everyone had to work from home or another hams house to get in on the action. As we had raised a new antenna at my home QTH, just at the last moment (1400 local), I threw the tools down and ran into the house finding all the bands lit up and contacts galore being made. It was great fun and target rich. At the end of the weekend though, it was quite evident to me what was missing. My favorite part. The real fun of Field Day for this ham is meeting, greeting, setting up, seeing lots of new equipment and learning from so many folks about our hobby. That opportunity for just sitting talking to so many radio friends, in person, new and old, in a leisurely manner was in absence. None of that this year. I certainly hope that this will be the last time we have to go through a situation like this.
While my station did not make many contacts but for the pulling together of all the installation loose ends, it was still great fun and another accomplishment in the man against wattage conquest. Also proving to me that this hobby isn’t dead at all. A couple of photos were posted to What’s Happening page.
Mind how you go out there and thanks for listening.
11 May 2020
Another month has gone by and though there have been some modifications to our directives for living amidst the virus, not much has changed. Not much radio work has been done around here but our intrepid mobile unit continues to show the flag around town. It gives me great pleasure to explain to folks what we all do when they ask what the getup with the flag and antenna is on the bicycle. Surprisingly many folks honestly don’t have a clue about Amateur Radio. It is not as easy as when there was an opportunity to invite someone to our sit down meetings. So we try our best with handing out cards and web addresses. Occasionally we can make a contact via the repeater to demonstrate. Many times the inquisitors will mention seeing a neighbors antennas or license plates curious as to what all the hub bub is about. Now I am not sure if we have been able to sow any seeds during these encounters (safely distanced of course) but hopefully someone may investigate further and venture to join the air one day.
And another thing. Recently noted in QST a quite back was successful younger ham who’s entry in our pastime was through his Gaming experience. While it may not be for everyone this is evidence that through the newer technologies Ham Radio can be a major interest to those who game, drone, 3D print, CAD, computer build, code write etc. These are major sectors of todays technical pastimes and where the potential new Radio Heads could come from. Our digital ops, contesting, circuit building, CW, antennas, repair and technical talking are crossovers to this new world of electricity. I’m guessing that a spurrey of FT8 contesting demonstrated to many of this younger gang might garner more interest than some of the more traditional Ham stuff. Just one mans radiating.
May I remind you all that this website is nothing without your input. One fellow on a bicycle can do only so much. Pictures, updates and news from our members feed the monster so send them along please.
In the words of the immortal Rudy Hertz ” Mind How You Go, Stay Calm and Radio a Lot!”
8 April 2020
Well here we are again still Ageing In Place. Amateur Radio though, and operators, have kept this ham half sane. Not too much HF work but our 2Meter repeater has been a godsend to keep in touch with all our fellow Wave Heads. This reporter has been able to social distance on a couple of antenna projects as well as get an eyeball of a few of our members. Just being able to keep up with the local goings on and being able to enjoy the knowledge and wisdom of our multitalented membership has been wonderful. Even the YL is interested in what’s happening with our gang. At the same time more attention has been given to my own shack and antenna projects for the future. I’ve been able to take the HT into the shop to keep in touch too. Just want to say thank you to everyone as well as wish you all good luck, stay safe and stay well. It’s a pleasure to keep up my end of thing here on this website.
Oh yes, I neglected to mention our March Saturday radio meeting. I thought it went very well and that should we have to continue this way, and me thinks it will for awhile, then it can only get better. I would like to stress that like everything else it benefits from your PARSticipation. If you missed the last one then watch the PARSgram for instructions for our next one. Easy as lighting off your 2Meter rig, get your coffee and settle back. Hear you there.
23 March 2020
Yikes what a way to start the spring huh? They just keep throwing stuff our way to keep it interesting. Never the less amateur radio comes to the rescue. We will be unable to have our monthly meeting with breakfast at our regular haunt due to the current restrictions to public meetings. However, because we are “Wave Heads”, our meeting will be held On The Air. How cool is that. If you would like to join us then see the instructions on this weeks AI4WL PARSgram. And a final thought. Though we have been mostly hunkered down during this unprecedented event, ham radio has been there to connect, inform, entertain and refocus us. Be it just copying the mail or actively participating, radio just keeps on delivering to us that are lucky enough to be a part of it. If you aren’t a ham yet, then consider joining the ranks of a fabulous group of people and pastime. Maybe a way for you to be a part of some public service too. No matter what though, hang in there you all.
16 March 2020
This pastime always seems to delight me one way or another. My on air time has been limited due to the confusion of moving and settling in to the new home base. More so than I expected. In the mean time though I have been buttoning up the 12vdc power supply to the shack and its solar charging and backup battery charger system. Also though the attic antenna farm, though acceptable, it is only a stepping stone for the real thing outdoors. So I have been on the hunt for new widgets and such. In my quest for antennas I have had some of the most interesting personal meets with other hams. Some active and many who are not. It is astounding to me the variety of backgrounds of so many of these folks I’ve met through this interaction. What a wonderful hobby this is as it offers so much more than just messing with radios. Meeting new friends on and off the air.
19 February 2020
How odd it seems to write 2020 these days. Who would have thunk some of us would make it to this milestone. Incredible. As well look at what we have available to us hams in technology and available endeavors these days. A long time ham YL saw where my micro shack was going to be located and exclaimed that I wouldn’t have enough room. She was well experienced in what a commitment to space a “shack” took. I thought for a moment and realized how much the equipment has shrunk. Even the kit-bashing has been reduced to surface mount components and chips, IC’s Blueberry pi’s, etc.
The Benton Harbor Lunchbox is an Altoid Tin all-bander now huh. One just doesn’t need the space we use to when things glowed in the dark,threw flame thrower style heat and dimmed the streetlights! Hi. Would not have dreamed of some of this just a few years back. It just proves to me that there is something for everyone in Amateur Radio now more than ever. Still affordable for most and no longer bigger than a breadbox.
Also my internal clock and calender has been thrown off by the abcense of the Mr. Jim PARSgram. The arrival of AI4WL’s email early on Monday mornings sets me, usually, into my tasks for the web page and all things ham for the day. Alas this week he has hung up his visor and the dust cover has been placed on Jim’s typewriter so we must wait for next week to be In The Know! I think of the PARSgram like a public utility. You certainly miss it when it isn’t there. I’m still off my schedule. Jim’s to blame.
January 2020
If you’ve ever been Ham curious, now is your opportunity to not only find out what it is all about but now you have an easy way to join us with your very own Amateur license. Mr. Bill WM3X is not only an excellent tutor but easy going and entertaining as well. Join him and then join us all. There is so much for you to enjoy and not enough space to tell everything. Find out for yourself.
Amateur Radio License Course
Amateur radio operators use wireless technology to communicate with other amateurs
around the corner, around the country, and around the world. This course prepares the
student to pass the examination for the entry level Technician Class amateur radio
operator license. The course covers the relevant FCC regulations, equipment,
operating procedures, and the fundamentals of wireless technology, and finishes with
the license examination. The course will be held at the Pamlico Community College,
6:30 to 8:30 PM on Monday evenings beginning on February 3rd and ending on March
30th. There is no course fee. The textbook and examination fees are $33.00 and
$15.00, respectively. For more information, and to register, contact Bill Michne at 252- 249-1175 or by email to
11 Jan 2020
I wasn’t sure where to put this but there is a new magazine available from the ARRL. Firstly if you are not a member then I would highly recommend it. It’s the organization that truly glues our hobby together. Just so much to it that one should peruse their website for the full magilla. Should you be interested in joining then let us know because when you join via the PARS club, a small portion of the fee comes back to the club.
In the meantime though follow this link to the magazine ARRL is producing for the new or old ham. On The Air looks will be of greater interested to new folks coming into our pastime for sure. Give a look and let me know what you think.
5 Jan 2020
Happy New Year to all our readers. Its been a busy December and February for our gang here at the home QTH and the PARS club in general. Firstly though even at the moment there are still builders, electricians and plumbers here milling around, we are in the new house and sort of settled. I have been in and out of the attic noodling around. Finally set for now, the Shack is up and running with the antennas in the attic. Contacts galore and a nice cushy chair to sit and gab from. I’m happy. Everything is 12vdc and we have a solar charger to keep everything up. HF and VHF its all there. Some day maybe some outdoor antennas and a tower but lets wait till it warms up a bit huh?
In the meantime let me report that with an added tracking plugin we now can survey how this website is growing in interest. In the four months of tracking over 400 visits were made and many of them from outside the area so the word is getting out. I only ask that you tell any interested parties and that you promote it when you can. I have even added a promotional signature on all of my emails. So thanks again everyone.
5 Dec 2019
Hello all. I must tell you that our hobby still proves itself to me almost every day. We finally moved into our new home and QTH. Little is installed or set up yet. Many boxes to unpack still. Low priority items are “Ham” toys. As a welcome to our new town and to celebrate the official end to the hurricane season the electric power went out for over 10 hours courtesy of the power company and some unfortunate driver who collided with a pole. So as we felt our way around the unfamiliar new spaces lighting candles and the like I stumbled on an open ham equip box. Low and behold there was an HT. It was very dark and chilly that evening. As well our cell phone signal, one bar, is not at all dependable. However after powering the HT it lit right off and easily “Hit The Repeater”. Out of the dark after the ident came a fellow ham pal and we proceeded to swap condition stories and commiserate. He had power. It was wonderful to know that we had a connection with the world when there was no phone, or internet that night. Amateur Radio was there though and I knew then we had no worries more than some spoiled food in the refrigerator. You see our repeater is smack dab in the middle of the effected area (there were over 1000 of us that night without juice) but Ol W4SLH is self powered with solar charging too. You can’t beat that. I knew in the back of my mind that we always had that go to communication for the next 10 hours. Just saying.
23 Nov 2019
Apologies to anyone missing the updates for Jim’s PARSgrams. Jane and I finally made the move to the new digs in Oriental so the PARS computer was on the move too. But now we have landed and the process of unpacking and placing things begins. What a task but at least the website is back up to speed. I’m still missing my radios so this will have to take their place for the time being. I can envision messing with some attic antennas sometime before Christmas but no guarantees. As usual if you have anything to add or news of note do not hesitate sending them my way. More than happy to get them up on there for everyone to see. Happy turkeys for everyone and get on the air this holiday. PARSwebman
25 Oct 2019
The potential move and decommissioning of the QTH has me missing my radios. It will be awhile until I am back on the air but we still persevere through the website upkeep. Hope it meets with all your expectations. For the meantime the 2 meter rig in the truck has kept me in touch with everyone and says volumes about our hobby. We are a spread out group here in the low country. Don’t see everyone when we would like. But the repeater keeps us informed as to what might be happening to our group and its members. Most are doing well but there are some of our gang who are not feeling quite up to frequency and may need some help or just plain good chat. I encourage you all to get on our repeater and use it fully. As a group we are very, very lucky to have this entity of such high standard and so very well maintained. It’s free for the using. N4SLH Keep in touch.
25 Sept 2019
My XYL Jane and myself have been preparing for a move out of the rolling rectangle radio ranch. Antennas are coming down, coax coiled and radio gear packed up. The truck is our only active rig for awhile. So in between this departure and a new QTH, a much better anchored one, I have even more time to pay attention to our PARS website.
In my research for active website links for the resources page, it became quite evident that there is even more to this hobby than the conventional view. Good golly gosh there are so many, like a zillion, ham sites out there. Many other clubs, societies, individuals and companies all involved with one aspect or another in our hobby. CW, QRP, DX, public service, memorial, technical, anecdotal, fun, serious, hiking, mobile, antennas, installs etc. etc. etc. It really is almost endless. Website searching could be a full time job in itself. I can only speak for myself but if there was any doubt that this hobby is lagging or waning then you are wrong. It has always been a hobby promoted from within and with the help of the internet getting the word out to new and old users is accessable and even easier than before. I will try my best to keep this site fresh and interesting for our own members but also to maybe peak the interest in new folks everywhere. Tell your everyone what we have going here.
Sept 2019
Recently I enjoyed the power of the website. We were contacted by a new ham concerning the who, what and where PARS is. As well he asked if his new rig and antennas were up to snuff. Not only did we all arrange contacting him on HF with many of us involved but we even sent out some QSL cards (you remember those right). The short story is that we’ve made a new friend up in Philadelphia who thanked us all profusely for helping him out and sent us a message of concern and good wishes for the Dorian event via email later on. Just a small example of how this hobby can be fun and fulfilling for those involved. Oh ya I think we have a new member of the club as well. Tell your friends what we do and how the possibilities for participation are almost endless.
Have to tell you how pleased I am to have heard about the support our members gave the county and state during the recent Dorian event. All these folks gave their personal time in order to bring up to the minute and accurate data reporting to the outside. Many of them were away from their homes and families. More than one non ham have told me how reassuring it was just to see our people amongst them. Give yourselves a pat on the back and all the more reason to spread the word about Amateur Radio. Its more than just chit chat and electronics for everyone.
Aug 2019
Next I will relate an experience with a new neighbor. During a meet and greet affair at our campground, a new camper asked if I was the fella with all those antennas on the camper. When I said yes that’s me, Ham guy, he walked over and shook my hand. He then proceeds to thank me and hams worldwide for all the assistance and the MARS program that kept many troops, including himself, connected with loved ones and friends during the Vietnam war. He went on in some great detail as to how, so many times when things were quite desperate, that there were opportunities to talk to folks from a saner world. Of course I explained that I was not one of those Hams but that I did have a way of passing on the thanks to many of those who indeed did participate in MARS.
So here I am reiterating his kudos and emphasizing the point that Amateur Radio is and can be more than just a hobby for those of us so inclined. Many of our PARS members continuously return to the community at large, contributions of time and expense offering services, where and when they are required, that are quite simply outside the conventional public service realm. These are not limited to ones immediately thought of as Ham centered endeavors either. So do not hard wire yourselves into thinking this is just the same ol Ham radio hobby it once was.
June 2019
There is definitely something for everyone interested in radio. Old technology or new. Old skills or new. Old dog or newbie. Self-serving or sharing your time. There are many avenues of participation that one can be involved in. When you meet our group you will soon learn of the endless possibilities. It’s all good man.
Saying this though, recently it became evident that there are a lot of licensed amateurs right in our little town let alone the county. The most disturbing fact is the majority of them do not participate in our doings and that aint right! They are missing out. We just met another one the other day and he knew of another one. If you are one of those absent hams or you know anyone who is amongst them, please cajole them or join us yourself for a monthly breakfast. If you don’t enjoy our group the breakfast will make up for it (it’s all you can eat buffet morning you know).
Last Saturday of each month, except June, 9:00AM or earlier to strap on the feedbag and gab, Brantley’s Family Restaurant, RT 55, beautiful downtown Oriental NC USA. Park around back and look for antennas.
Come on, give us a try, mess about with radio, consider some public service organizations around radio too, but none the less just have fun.
Hello everyone,
My name is Paul, K4MMB. I am a newer member of The PARS. At first my QTH was from the Rolling Rectangle Radio Ranch in Maribel on the Bay River. More recently XYL Jane and I moved to the permanent home QTH in Oriental, NC.
Though not a newbie to amateur radio, there have been a few years of absence from the hobby. It is so pleasing to find that many new technical advances and equipment have entered the stage, making it even more exciting than ever and just plain fun. There is still something for everyone, but at the center of it all, are the people involved.
The PARS group is loaded with so much talent and experience and we have plenty to offer everyone. PARS is very active and growing. With a focus on enjoying amateur radio and offering public service where we can, this website will attempt to outline all. We are in an area where ham radio offers much to the local community. There is something here for almost everyone.
It is my pleasure to oversee our PARS website.
Among other goals is to insure the website meets and exceeds the wishes of all the members and friends of the club. Further that it becomes a wonderful presentation of our collective talents for the public at large. It will be a work in progress for which I trust you all will allow me some time to get up to speed.
However as we move along, should you have any ideas, comments etc., please feel free to send them along to
Thank you all
Paul K4MMB