Field day 2015 was a success despite some soaring temperatures, humidity, and afternoon rainstorms on Saturday. Here are some pictures of the event. The event was attended Saturday by our ARRL section manager, Karl W4CHX, who made the long drive from Raleigh. Karl filled us in on the Amateur Radio Parity Act status. The club offers great thanks to Mike KK4NLC for ramrodding the event again this year and providing lunch Saturday(including some outstanding Cherokee Purple tomatoes from his garden) ! Thanks also to club president Bill KR4LO, and other members who braved the elements, provided equipment, time, labor and expertise in making the event a success. Thank you Dennis W4USR for the use of your home and vertical to run two rigs from. Special thanks are due to Charlie WA4GSI and his wife for graciously providing not only the use of their beautiful home for food, drink and fellowship, but for also providing Sunday morning coffee and bagels to the early birds. Thanks so much everyone.
(Mouse over the pictures and click on them to enlarge.)
Field Day 2015 info booth initial set up
Info booth close up
Temporary 6 meter antenna setup for sun room radio room
Close up of 6 meter antenna
One of the dipole antennas strung between pine trees
Second dipole antenna in use.
Bill KR4LO setting up the Get-On-The-Air (GOTA) station for the public’s participation in field day.
Mike K4HPS sets up the solar-powered ARES go-pack radio.
Alternate view of the go-pack ARES rig setup.
Yet another rig setup for use using Mike KK4NLC’s solar panel. Mike directing traffic in the background while Brian K4LTE assists in the rig setup. Sir, yes sir, Mike!
Radio rig in action powered by the sun.
PARS members unloading their gear from their POVs.
View of the Neuse River south at the main setup site.
One of several hand-built antennas brought to the event.
Tape measure fox hunt antenna brought to the event and tested on Bill KR4LO’s ‘fox’ radio rig.
Bill KR4LO instructs first time HF radio user Greg KM4DZM on the GOTA station.
Bill KR4LO assists event attendee, Joy McCracken, with her first radio contact.
Bill KR4LO provides radio function instruction to event attendee, Joy McCracken.
GOTA station in use with the Neuse River in the background.
Another GOTA participant, Carol KK4UTG, gets on the air during field day while Tom KI4NSP observes the action.
Bill KR4LO provides more instruction on amateur radio use to a youngster with her first radio transmission. Was she excited!
Under the watchful eye of Bill and her father the young field day participant gives the running station her station information for their log book.
Great set of pictures. Its niceto see on our website.
Bill, K2ONN
Super photos Greg!