PARSgram 2021-07-19


By now the readers of this newsletter have probably heard the sad news

of the passing of Glenn Everest, N4LV, and read the wonderful write-up

by Jim, AI4WL.  I would just like to summarize by saying that Glenn was

more than just a good ham, he was an asset to amateur radio in so many

ways,  as well as an asset to the community at large, and perhaps most

importantly, an asset to his own family.  Rest in peace, my friend, …_._


The latest edition of QST features a cover story on ham ingenuity.  The

magazine makes a big deal about a short vertical built by stacking

coffee cans.  Sorry, but I have to say that bit of ingenuity was first

presented in the 1950’s.  An article appeared in one of the many radio

magazines at the time, describing how to build a 40 meter vertical using

stacked beer cans.  I was about 15 years old at the time, and my high

school and ham buddy and I decided to build one.  We modified the

formula for calculating the length of a 1/4 wave vertical in feet to

give a formula that would give the answer in beer cans.  So the new

formula was 590/f (Mc) (remember, this was the 1950’s).  For forty

meters, if f = 7.2 (we both had our General tickets) the stack is

approximately 82 cans, or roughly 13 six-packs.  Since we were underage

(you had to be 18 back then) we enlisted the assistance of our dads in

securing the necessary materials.  In addition we needed a one quart

beer bottle to serve as the base insulator.  This turned out to be quite

a popular antenna at the time, and ours worked quite well.  So our ever

helpful dads offered assistance in securing materials for a larger

version, say, 160 meters.  So let’s see, 590/1.825 is 323 beer cans, or

about 54 six-packs. We converted that to 14 case equivalents to keep the

numbers down, but our moms could do math, too, and all those empty beer

cans had to be stored somewhere, and although we never measured it, a

160 meter beer can vertical is held together with a LOT of solder and

must weigh a ton, and…  Needless to say, our moms prevailed, that

antenna never got built, and our dads switched to water until they lost

the weight they gained helping us with the 40 meter version. ._._. de

WM3X, Bill Michne,252-249-1175,



NOAA reported solar activity was very low during the 24 hour period

ending yesterday at 5 p.m. local. There are three numbered sunspot

regions on the Sun facing Earth this morning. The Prediction Center

expects solar activity to be very low through Wednesday with a slight

chance for a C-class flare each day. Activity may increase on or even

before Wednesday. reports that NASA’s STEREO-A

spacecraft have monitored a number of active regions on the backside

that should rotate into view within the next 3 days or so. On Sunday the

observed Solar Flux Index (SFI) at Penticton was 80. (Last Sunday it was

74.) The index is predicted to be 80 today and the increase to 85

Tuesday and Wednesday. The SFI 90 day trailing average is still 78.


The Earth’s geomagnetic field was quiet yesterday. NOAA expects

conditions to be quiet today, tomorrow and Wednesday. The estimated

Kp-index of 3 reported at 5 a.m. local this morning reflects our current

quiet geomagnetic conditions.


We can expect poor daytime and fair nighttime operating conditions today

on 80 and 40 meters, fair on 30 and 20, and poor on the higher bands.

These expectations are not as good as last Monday but you can never

tell. We’ve seen significant activity on 15 and even 10 meters every

day. Six has also been active for some parts of each day for us here in

the Southeast with openings alternating between the Midwest and Europe

with at least some Es. This has been a good Summer season for those who

play in the Magic Band… and it isn’t over yet.


For an explanation of the numbers used in our PARSgram, see the

excellent article written by Carl Luetzelschwab, K9LA at



For listing in the PARSgram send me your amateur radio related items

that are for sale, trade, or wanted. PLEASE let me know when you have

have sold your item or your listing is no longer needed.  Listings will

EXPIRE AFTER 90 DAYS unless I hear otherwise.–Jim.


* NEW For Sale. SCS PTC-IIex Modem licensed with PACTOR III. This modem

functions as it should and comes with the installation guide, the USB to

RS232 cable and the CD. This modem was recently in use on my IC-7300,

until I upgraded. In very good condition and works great. The 9095 cable

available from Farallon Electronics or HRO. $550. Bruce,,

252-626-2730 (20210719)


* For Sale by Danny Garris, WD4CQ, or 252-670-9955


– ANYTONE 588UV III Tri-Band Mobile Transceiver (144/220/440) complete

with the USB programming cable. Brand-new – (In Original Box)  $249.00

– COMET CX-333 Tri-Band Base Antenna (144/220/440)  Brand-new – (In

Original Packaging)  $159.00

– JETSTREAM 30 AMP Compact Power Supply 25 AMP Continous – JTPS32MAB

Brand-New – (In Original Packaging). Professionally Added Qty 2X

Mounting screws to top case for mobile bracket mounting.   $94.00



* Jul 31, PARS MONTHLY MEETING, Saturday, 9am, Brantley’s Village

Restaurant, Oriental. For more info, contact Bill Michne, WM3X,

252-249-1175 or

* Aug 28, PARS MONTHLY MEETING, Saturday, 9am, Brantley’s Village

Restaurant, Oriental. For more info, contact Bill Michne, WM3X,

252-249-1175 or



*  Wednesdays, Pamlico Emergency Net Practice and Rag Chew/ARES, 7:30

pm, Oriental Repeater, 147.210 + (PL151.4).

*  Thursdays, “DownEast/Pamlico Six Meter Net”, 8 pm local, 50.200 MHz,

USB. A non-directed open net to promote operation on the ‘Magic Band’.

(For more nets see )



Our Web Master is Paul Jodoin, K4MMB, 561-308-3456,



Videos of recorded PARS Meetings, presentations, and club activities can

be viewed on on the N4PRS Radio YouTube Channel:


73, Jim AI4WL


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