PARSgram 2021-07-12


As we all know, hurricane season is upon us.  That means we’ve all

(hopefully) updated our disaster plan, test run our generators  a couple

of times per year since Florence in 2018, etc.  But there is another

weather threat to our equipment that should not be overlooked, and that

is lightning.  All ham stations need some lightning protection, but how

much, and at what cost?  Back in the 70’s ARRL published a very helpful

book entitled, “Understanding Amateur Radio.”  It included a section on

lightning protection, and included the following statement: “The

lightning hazard from an antenna is much exaggerated; ordinary amateur

antennas are no more likely to be hit by a direct stroke than any other

object of about the same height in the vicinity.” The text went on to

say that the best precaution was a simple grounding switch that will

allow you to ground the feeders to an earth ground when you’re not on

the air.  I have used that system for 47 years of hamming across several

geographic locations without incident, including 17 years here in

Oriental.  Of course, you are certainly free to purchase and install

whatever level of protection you decide you need. but at the very least

you should be able to ground your antennas. On another note, I am happy

to report, our two most recent licensees, Jack Brooks and Tim DeMay

received their licenses. Jack’s call is KO4RSD, Bill’s is KO4RSE. They

took their exams at my house on Field Day. …_._  de WM3X, Bill Michne,




* We missed reporting that WA4GSI, Charlie Overcash, was also in the

FlounderFest Parade. He was seen with mic in one hand and the other on

the wheel in his Toyota pulling the Oriental Chinese DRAGON trailer. He

was talking with K4MMB/Tractor Mobile and anyone else who would listen.

* Check out the FLOUNDERFEST PARSticipation photos and more on the

“What’s Happening” page at

* What goes up must come down. Our intrepid duo, Matt WU2V and Lor W3QA

launched another balloon, NC4ES-4, on Saturday at a little after 10 am

as part of The Great Plains Super Launch, a world wide event. Although

it quickly made cruising altitude after leaving Greenville, its

transmitter was last heard at 11:06 am. Matt thinks nasty weather left

over from Elsa may have done it in. No final conclusions yet.

* The [WCARA] Wayne County Amateur Radio Association is holding the “3rd

annual” Kris Keen (W5CPK SK) Memorial UnFest on Saturday, July 31, 2021

beginning at 8:00 AM – 12:00 PM. The Hamfest will be held at the rear of

the 1ST PH Church, Goldsboro, NC.  The event will run from 8 am to 12

noon. For more info see:

* Gary, NC3Z, reported working his 100th country for a 10M FT8 DXCC in

only 1 year plus 2 days. The effort to do it in a year was a personal

challenge made after helping Joe, N4IBX, set up for FT8. Congrats, Gary.



NOAA reported solar activity was very low during the 24 hour period

ending yesterday at 5 p.m. local. There are two numbered sunspot regions

on the Sun facing Earth this morning. The Prediction Center expects

solar activity to be very low through Wednesday. On Sunday the observed

Solar Flux Index (SFI) at Penticton was 74. (Last Sunday it was 91.) The

index is predicted to stay at 74 today and Tuesday and then drop to 73

Wednesday.  The SFI 90 day trailing average is holding at 78.


The Earth’s geomagnetic field was quiet yesterday. NOAA expects

conditions to be quiet to active today, tomorrow and Wednesday. Solar

winds are expected. The estimated Kp-index of 1 reported at 5 a.m. local

this morning reflects our current quiet geomagnetic conditions.


We can expect fair daytime and good nighttime operating conditions today

on 80 and 40 meters, fair on 30 and 20, and poor on the higher bands.

Six meters continues to produce E layer skip for minutes or hours nearly

every day. Times are unpredictable but lately in mid-morning into

mid-afternoon. Some of the openings have been into Europe and some of

those Europeans have been workable just with an OCF for 40 meters. Mind

you, a tuner and some perseverance may be required.


For an explanation of the numbers used in our PARSgram, see the

excellent article written by Carl Luetzelschwab, K9LA at



For listing in the PARSgram send me your amateur radio related items

that are for sale, trade, or wanted. PLEASE let me know when you have

have sold your item or your listing is no longer needed.  Listings will

EXPIRE AFTER 90 DAYS unless I hear otherwise.–Jim.


* For Sale by Danny Garris, WD4CQ, or 252-670-9955


– ANYTONE 588UV III Tri-Band Mobile Transceiver (144/220/440) complete

with the USB programming cable. Brand-new – (In Original Box)  $249.00

– COMET CX-333 Tri-Band Base Antenna (144/220/440)  Brand-new – (In

Original Packaging)  $159.00

– JETSTREAM 30 AMP Compact Power Supply 25 AMP Continous – JTPS32MAB

Brand-New – (In Original Packaging). Professionally Added Qty 2X

Mounting screws to top case for mobile bracket mounting.   $94.00



* Jul 31, PARS MONTHLY MEETING, Saturday, 9am, Brantley’s Village

Restaurant, Oriental. For more info, contact Bill Michne, WM3X,

252-249-1175 or

* Aug 28, PARS MONTHLY MEETING, Saturday, 9am, Brantley’s Village

Restaurant, Oriental. For more info, contact Bill Michne, WM3X,

252-249-1175 or



*  Wednesdays, Pamlico Emergency Net Practice and Rag Chew/ARES, 7:30

pm, Oriental Repeater, 147.210 + (PL151.4).

*  Thursdays, “DownEast/Pamlico Six Meter Net”, 8 pm local, 50.200 MHz,

USB. A non-directed open net to promote operation on the ‘Magic Band’.

(For more nets see )



Our Web Master is Paul Jodoin, K4MMB, 561-308-3456,



Videos of recorded PARS Meetings, presentations, and club activities can

be viewed on on the N4PRS Radio YouTube Channel:


73, Jim AI4WL


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