Welcome to PARS, The Pamlico Amateur Radio Society. It’s not just your granddad's old fashion radio anymore! Next MEETING DATE 29 March, 2025 At Brantleys 💥 FOLLOW our CLUB PICO BALLOON around the world on EASTERN EXPRESS Page. **StUfF FoR SaLe** on PARSgram

WOW! See what you too can do in our hobby.

Attracting youth to the joys of Ham Radio is important to PARS members. You don't just sign up for a Ham Radio account. It isn't free. It takes some dedication. K4JJW shows you what you may attain with some life long work. And you'll feel good about yourself when you pass that test! So come join us.

AI4WL Jim and K4ONC Bruce manning Special Event Station

Its not just Field Day for us. Special Event stations are set up at many venues throughout the year. Operators work off the grid, with electricity supplied by portable generators, and hang antennas in trees, tripods or vehicles.

There's Facebook, Twitter and all the others, but Ham Radio is the original talking and sharing activity-- with a good dose of nerdiness thrown in for all to enjoy.


Just about anyone can join the ranks of Amateur Radio. There is so much enjoyment to be gained from this hobby. The list grows longer each day. Come aboard! It's easier than you may think. Contact us for details.


Yes, yet another way to participate is to give back. Our members are always happy to promote our hobby to the public.

Learn, Radiate and Have Fun. - We invite guests and members to browse our pages. Come on in. Ham Radio is Cool! JOIN US!! Name Tags and Swag on PARSgear Page

PARS is a group of Amateur Radio enthusiasts located in Eastern North Carolina. A very active and involved group of Hams in deed. Here's a map that locates Pamlico County. We welcome anyone to join us at one of our regular monthly meetings to find out about Ham radio. there will be plenty of friendly encouragement and support from our members to begin your path toward becoming a Ham. If you're already a licensed Ham, you'll enjoy the fellowship of our group.
When possible we meet at Brantley's Village Restaurant in Oriental at 9am on the last Saturday of each month.

Pamlico Amateur Radio Society
P.O. Box 272
Oriental, NC 28571
PLEASE SEND ANY PHOTOS OR EVENT INFORMATION TO PARSwebman@gmail.com and tell all your friends about us. Add a link to your emails and social media sites. Put a link on your QRZ page too!!